Map of Switzerland

I'm going to study abroad in London (for 3 days) and Switzerland (the rest of the time) for the Maymester in less than a week! I leave May 13th and return on June 1st. While I am there I will be taking a class on teaching students to integrate reading and writing. We will be visiting two international schools while we are there. One is in
Zug and the other in
Lucerne. I'm really excited about it, but its been a bit of a distraction as I'm trying to study. I have one more final to go and lots to read! Eek! During my study breaks I have been working on my blog so that I will be able to write in it while I'm on my trip. I have put a weather "widget" to the right so everyone can see the weather while I'm there, and I can check on it to see what I need to pack. I also snagged a picture from someone else who is travelling in Switzerland right now. I'll replace it once I get there. It looks gorgeous! I can't wait!
My roommate Holly is so sweet. Saturday she gave me a journal to write in with some travel stickers. It is so cute! I'll probably write in it in addition to keeping a blog for my friends and family to read while I'm gone. Hopefully, I will be able to write everyday and upload pictures. The hotel I will be in most of the time (
Hotel Flemis) is supposed to have wireless internet. It will be pretty neat to keep everyone updated as I'm going along. I feel so blessed to be able to go on this trip. My dad, mom, Fritz, Granny Jean, Papa and Nana have been overly generous, and I am so thankful!
That's all for now, I need to get back to studying! :)
Be careful in London, I hear the bridge is unstable, early in the morning. Having fun yet?
How's the weather?? Wait 5 minutes and it is guaranteed to change.
Did yo sleep on the plane?? Could you stay awake the first day??
If you go by Hyde Park, and Regents Park you will be in my old high school stomping grounds.
Have a marvelous time.
We love you!!!
My dear sweet Rachel
I hope your trip is going well. I am looking forward to seeing pics.
Luv you
i'm so excited for you!!! i'm praying for you while you're gone! can't wait for more updates!!
love ya FRIEND!
Hi Rachel,
Your dad forwarded this blog to me. I'm IMPRESSED!! You will have to teach me how to do this. I know your going to have a great time, and make many unforgettable memories while your travelling. Have a safe & fun trip!!
Love, Mandy
P.S. Makena will love reading this.
Glad you made it okay! Have fun.
Love Dad
So glad to hear that you are having a great time, try not to get to tired. Enjoy Switzerland for me I've alway wonted to such a beautiful place. Be careful and try not to over do it.
Rachel, this will be so fun to follow your trip through your blog! Thanks so much for taking the time to do this! I will keep you in my prayers, and hope that you have an incredible time!!! How blessed you are to be able to do something like this!!! My love to you! Malinn
Good Morning, So nice to be able to read your blog and keep up with you.
Have a great time. We ;ove you.
Thanks for all of the comments. I love you guys too. And thank you for the prayers. They are working. I am having a wonderful time!
Rachel, Beth spent a semester in Switzerland in Luasanne. It was a highlight of her life. Enjoy every minute and travel alot on your parents credit card!
Love, Jim and Liz Moore
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