Flower clock in Zurich. They seem to have one in every major Swiss city.

Relaxing at Lake Zurich.

I had to include a picture of Lola. This is here in Blake's suitcase before we left! We can't wait to see her on Friday!
The title of this post was the question was asked ourselves so many times this year. Do we want to go to Prague or get a dog? Well, we were blessed to be able to do both. We absolutely adore our little Lola bear, as most of you know, and right now I am sitting typing this post in Prague! The night train was interesting. No, Stephen, the night train did not include any night cheese, unfortunately (or forunately, if that night cheese was stinky).
Before getting on the night train at 10:40pm, we spent the day in Zurich killing time. We locked up 3 out of 4 of our bags and walked around the city. It was beautiful just like Holly Porter said it would be! We spent a lot of time sitting at the park gazing over the lake at the mountains. We ate a doner (turkish gyro?) and chocolate chip gelato for a snack. Then in the late evening we had dinner at the Movie Restaurant. The salads were awesome!
Finally, it was time to get on the train. Blake and I were both a little anxious about this new adventure. Who would be in the cabin with us? Would our stuff get stolen? Would we be able to sleep in the 14 hours on the train? So many questions. When we found our cabin, we noticed there were 6 beds. Three on each side, and we prefrenced the bottom bunks. Initially, there were supposed to be 5 people in there total! We were freaking out a little! One of our "cabin mates" who spoke fluent Italian, Swiss German, English, and a little Slovac convinced the train car operator to open up another cabin. Thank you, Lord! So we ended up with three people in our cabin. The other lady was very sweet and definitely not a threat at all. The ride was a little bumpy, and we stopped quite a few times, but we slept the best we could considering.
This morning we woke up and had bread and coffee for breakfast. Europeans love to eat bread! Also, no one had taken our things.
This morning we woke up and had bread and coffee for breakfast. Europeans love to eat bread! Also, no one had taken our things.
God has really blessed us since being in Prague so far. At the train station, some little girls gave us their metro passes for free even though we tried to pay them! Then we got to our hotel (Miss Sophie's)and found out they upgraded us to an apartment with a kitchen! I feel like throughout the trip our hotels have slowly gotten better. I am looking forward to our time here, and I will be sure to post since we have free wi-fi! :)
I'll put the pictures up later. We're going exploring for now! :)
I'll put the pictures up later. We're going exploring for now! :)
Sounds like quite a story. Can't wait to hear more.
Love you,
Mom (Tina)
Sleeping on the train is quite an experience....I have done it many times but always had a cabin for 3 and knew the other two girls from my school. It definately is very tight quarters. Kinda like sleeping in the bathroom on an airplane!!! Glad you have a nice place to stay in Praque. How's the weather? Warm??
Your Lola bear is looking pretty cute in that suitcase!! Hurry home we miss you all!!!!
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